The best and relevant curriculum through innovative 5 learning programs that foster deep knowledge, conceptual understanding, and critical-creative thinking skills. The curriculum is taught based on SAL (Student Active Learning) and oriented towards HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills), integrated with Islamic values and digital technology
The Learning System Design 6.0 is implemented so that all students studying at Auliya School are expected to achieve competencies according to the Pancasila Student Profile – Auliya (PPA), as hopes and dreams for the entire Auliya School community.
This PPA profile is an integration of the Pancasila Student Profile, the Achievement of the Independent Curriculum, and the Profile of Auliya's Previous Student Graduates' Competencies. Therefore, the PPA profile is like the topmost leaves of the Auliya Learning Tree.
There are 8 (eight) PPA profiles which are a combination of 3 (three) domains of competencies, skills, and student characters, symbolized by phrases that represent the identity of Auliya students, namely Smart, Creative, and Pious. These eight PPA profiles are presented in this image.
The National Curriculum used is the Independent Curriculum. The Independent Curriculum is a National Curriculum that improves upon the 2013 Curriculum. If in the 2013 Curriculum, learning to achieve students' knowledge, character, and skills competencies were combined simultaneously in each subject, in the Independent Curriculum, learning focuses on essential material, and its achievements are designed to be more flexible. Character and skills learning for students are carried out through a co-curricular approach called the Pancasila-Auliya Student Profile Strengthening Project.
The main characteristics of the Independent Curriculum are:
For the academic year 2023/2024, the Independent Curriculum is implemented gradually starting from the TK-A and TK-B levels, Grade I, II, IV, and V of elementary school, Grade VII and VIII of junior high school, and Grade X and XI of senior high school.
A Driving School is a model school for the implementation of the Independent Curriculum. By being a model for the implementation of the Independent Curriculum, other schools can emulate the operational implementation that has been applied in the Driving School.
The Driving School program in implementing the Independent Curriculum focuses on the holistic development of student learning outcomes, which include literacy and numeracy competencies as well as character, beginning with excellent human resources, namely the school principal and teachers.
Auliya School, as of August 8, 2022, was designated by the Ministry of Education as the implementer of the Driving School Program based on the Decision of the Director General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education, and Secondary Education Number: 7883/C/Hk.03.01/2022 concerning the Determination of Educational Units Implementing the Third Generation of the Driving School Program.
(Islamic, Character of Success, Literacy of Global Era 5.0, 21st Century Skills)
To achieve the overall 8 (eight) Pancasila-Auliya Student Profiles, Auliya School integrates the Merdeka Curriculum, the special Auliya Curriculum known as the IKLaS Curriculum, and the curriculum from Cambridge University Press as an Educational Partner.
The Learning Programs at Auliya School are teaching and learning activities to implement the two aforementioned curricula.
There are 5 (five) Learning Programs consisting of two parts: 1 (one) learning program to implement the Merdeka Curriculum and 4 (four) learning programs to implement the IKLaS Curriculum. Specifically, for the English Literacy Proficiency program, the curriculum from Cambridge University Press is used as the Educational Partner.
The division of these learning programs is shown in the matrix below.
The types and implementation of learning programs vary in each unit of Auliya School. However, generally, the 5 (five) learning programs can be explained as follows:
Various subjects in the Independent Learning Program include:
The Character-Skill main program aims to develop key character and soft skills, namely responsibility, independence, diversity, critical and creative thinking, and communicative and collaborative skills (mutual cooperation) through co-curricular activities both within and outside the school. The Character and Soft-Skill Projects Program is conducted every semester in collaboration with the parents of the students.
The Proficient Literacy Program aims to develop value-added literacy skills in the Global Era 5.0, including:
As an Islamic and modern educational institution, Integrated Islamic School AULIYA holds cultural values applied by all AULIYA members, namely AULIYA Dedication Culture (ADC):
Wakil Ketua ISTIYA TK
Sekretaris ISTIYA TK
Bendahara ISTIYA TK
Wakil Ketua ISTIYA SD
Sekretaris ISTIYA SD
Bendahara 1 ISTIYA SD
Bendahara 2 ISTIYA SD
Sekretaris ISTIYA SMP
Bendahara ISTIYA SMP
Wakil Ketua ISTIYA SMA
Sekretaris ISTIYA SMA
Bendahara ISTIYA SMA
Ketua MT Auliya
Wakil Ketua MT Auliya
Sekretaris 1 MT Auliya
Sekretaris 2 MT Auliya
Bendarhara 1 MT Auliya
Bendahara 2 MT Auliya
Collaboration between parents and the school is the key to the success of education. Auliya School consistently collaborates with parents to actively contribute ideas for educational advancement at Auliya.
Parents can synergize as learning resources to provide motivation and inspiration to students.
Some activities involving parental collaboration include:
The collaborative platform between Auliya School and parents is also fostered through ISTIYA (Integrated Islamic School Auliya Parent Association) and Majelis Ta’lim.
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Jombang Pondok Aren
(021) 745 2897
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Umar bin Khattab Building
Jl. Jombang Raya No. 1,
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(021) 7486 3669
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Gedung Utsman bin Affan
Jl. Jombang Raya No. 49,
Jombang Ciputat
(021) 2762 2139
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Ali bin Abi Thalib Building
Jl. Jombang Raya No. 49,
Jombang Ciputat
(021) 745 9203
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Ali bin Abi Thalib Building
Jl. Jombang Raya No. 49,
Jombang Ciputat
(021) 745 8939
(021) 745 8939